Unexpected Health Perks of Being a Dog Owner

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Here are a couple of great reasons to consider if you already have a dog or are thinking about welcoming a new furry friend into your home, as compiled by the amazing folks at Mental Floss.

1. Boosted Immune System:
In the world of cleaning products, it seems like we are constantly fighting against germs. However, our obsession with cleanliness might actually be making us more susceptible to getting sick. By constantly sanitizing our environment, we are limiting our exposure to germs which prevents our immune system from developing resistance to them. Dogs, on the other hand, are like little germ factories! Having a dog in the house introduces more bacteria into our living space, which can actually be beneficial for our health. Studies have shown that people with dogs tend to get sick less often and experience milder symptoms compared to those with cats or no pets.

2. Reduced Risk of Allergies:

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Although dogs can trigger allergies in some people, growing up in a household with a dog can actually lower the likelihood of developing allergies later in life. Even exposure to a dog while still in the womb can decrease sensitivity to pet dander and reduce the risk of developing eczema as an adult.

Furthermore, dog owners are generally happier and less likely to suffer from depression compared to non-pet owners. The responsibility of caring for a pet can help alleviate symptoms of depression, and the routine and activity involved in dog ownership can help combat feelings of sadness. The companionship and love provided by a dog can also boost positivity and increase levels of Oxytocin, the “feel good” chemical in the brain.

In terms of heart health, owning a dog has been shown to have numerous benefits. Simply petting a dog can lower heart rate and blood pressure, leading to improved cardiovascular health. Studies have also found that dog owners tend to have better sleep quality and are less likely to get sick. Additionally, pet owners generally have lower cholesterol levels and may have a higher chance of surviving a heart attack.

One of the key advantages of owning a dog is the increase in physical activity it entails. Dog owners are more likely to meet the recommended 30 minutes of daily exercise through walking and playing with their furry companions. This regular exercise helps lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and helps dog owners stay in better overall shape compared to cat owners or those without pets.